Readme File for BOBZ Documentation Disk -- 14Apr14 rjn Startup ======= This CD documents products sold on the internet or through magazine articles by Bob Miller and Bob Nash (BOBZ). To use the CD, insert it into your computer's CD ROM drive and select the drive using a file browser (e.g., Explorer for Windows). Use a Web browser to execute the "product.html" file. This displays the home page for our documentation. Alternatively, you can point your web browser to and select the "BOBZ Products" option on the right pane of the home page. This will display the same documentation that is on our product disk. Navigation ========== Navigation to the documentation for each product can be performed from the index page. You can return to the index page from any documentation file by clicking on the "PRODUCT INDEX" link at the top left of each "Contents" page. Clicking on the "Home" icon returns you to the home page for Kibler Electronics. Email Support ============= You can request email support by clicking on the "contact" link at the bottom of each product page ( High Resolution Photos and Schematics ===================================== Our new policy is to make high resolution schematics and construction documents available for download from the Kibler Electronics web site. These are also on the documentation disk and can be "downloaded" to your computer, as a zip file, by clicking on the "download" link in the documentation. Alternatively, these high resolution files can be copied and viewed directly from the documentation disk. For example, the high resolution files for the DCON product are in the dcon/dcon_files/high_resolution directory and the high resolution files for the ELITE project are contained in the elite/elite_files/high_resolution directory. As this is our new "standard", some high resolution files for other projects may be in other directories or not available for download from the HTML documentation or web site. Please contact us if you cannot find a schematic, photo or file that you want. It is our policy to make all project-related files available. PDF Manuals ===================================== We often make a PDF version of each manual available for download and on our documentation disk. Our documentation is written in "vanilla" HTML and later translated to PDF format. We take care to view each HTML document using the "print preview" function of our browser so that pagination makes sense for a printed document. This is also why some of our schematics are a bit "rough" -- they are rotated and reduced to fit on a page with a label. The purpose of these processed schematics is to allow meaningful discussion in the text. They are not intended as working drawings. Working drawings should be downloaded or directly printed from the documentation disk, as discussed in the previous section. We are now including a download link for the PDF manual and a high resolution schematic in our most recent documentation. For older documentation, the PDF may be on the disk but not linked to our HTML document. In other cases, we have not yet generated a PDF manual. We can do this on request, but will deliver it only as an email attachment (not a revised documentation disk). Older documents may not have the option to download a high resolution schematic. For these, see the documentation disk or request a copy by email. Because we are transitioning MyForth to be a "Linux only" system, many source code (and other) files are available only in "tar.gz" format. These are easy to expand into a source code directory chain, but are more difficult to handle in Windows. Other documentation we are trying to keep in Windows-compatible formats. If you have a problem extracting or viewing content on this disk, please contact us. Revision History ================ 14Apr14 - Added DSTRO, a project manual for a DDS-based stroboscope 14Oct13 - Added MIDE (myforth Integrated Development Environment) with C2 Programmer and One-Wire Tether 24Aug13 - Added PROG C2 programmer 27Mar13 - Re-do of FEBO according to new "standard" format, added PDF manual, download 25Mar13 - IOTA, MIND and DSYS release, misc. cleanup (e.g., DCON) 07Feb13 - ELITE release, misc. cleanup 01Feb13 - MIND release 27Jan13 - DCON release 30May12 - pictures resized for faster Web display (e.g., 800x600). 17May12 - revised HTML for Web page at 09Feb12 - initial documentation release in HTML format